
COVID-19 - PT in Lockdown

Good Morning all, 

We hope you are well and managing to keep sane in such a challenging time.

Like many industries, the COVID-19 outbreak has been devastating for us but we are doing our best to stay positive and have been working hard on our contingency plans to move forward through an unknown duration of disruption.

The first thing we've achieved, in our efforts to continue to keep our clients/members motivated and healthy is moving our Challenge Gym concept into a lockdown friendly structure. This is already proving to be highly effective at keeping people active with over 50 people signing up in just a few days.

If you aren't already involved, the community support and motivation could be inspiring for you. You can find out further information on the website - Challenge Corona and it's completely free.

Our attention is now focused on how we still continue to provide value, motivation and structure for our Personal Training clients after the world has been turned on its head.

We have three options for our clients:

1. Pause all PT payment and resume once some form of normality returns. Any missed sessions in March will be credited to your account for a future date.

2. Training plans transferred to bespoke home workout routines based on whatever equipment you have access to. Even if you only have your body and the floor, we can still devise training programs that help keep your health and fitness goals on track for £60 per month.

3. Maintain PT payments in their current form and move to a FaceTime / Video Personal Training format. We have already delivered several virtual PT sessions this week and they have been incredibly effective with today's technology. We do appreciate this is not the same as the real thing but your support to us in this time would be extremely appreciated so we would also like to provide additional services in regards to personalised nutrition planning, phone support as well as a free PT session in the future for every month we are delivering sessions virtually.

Whatever you choose, we will be here to help support anything you need during this time of uncertainty.

Your trainers will be available to discuss options with you to help you stay on top of your fitness goals during the lockdown. 

Take care of yourself, keep active and stay positive!

We will see you soon.

Alan Cook, Director