
Here we go again

The time is now nearly upon us where in January gyms across the country welcome newcomers all with new resolutions to get fit, lose the extra fat after the pressure of festive indulgences where we manage to consume far more food and alcohol than an average month. Where this journey ends entirely up to the individual but it’s not unusual to see cancelled memberships before the end of March.

Will you become another statistic? Yet another person to lose motivation before really getting going?


Here are 5 ways to stay fit and focused for the whole year and not just 3 months.

  1. Don’t let image be your main goal!

Many fail if they don’t look like their favourite athlete within two months. When it becomes more about your physical appearance you will become disheartened when the image you crave is not quite there. Let health be your main reason for the new lifestyle, the rest will come.


  1. Don’t be sucked into the latest fitness trends

Fitness is not a ‘One size fits all’. Find a program that works for you, fits into your lifestyle and targets your goals. Speak to a trainer to guide you in your decisions.


  1. Find a friend who will drive you on.

Some people prefer solo workouts but for those that need a little push in the motivation department, regular workouts with a friend or group can make all the difference. You’re less likely to hit the snooze button in the morning if you know someone is relying on you to be there. It can also get you excited about your fitness journey again.


  1. Plug in and shut the world out!

Creating a motivating music playlist can be a great way to maintain focus during a workout.  Music not only helps increase your energy, but it can help you power through. This will help you stay in the zone and your mind won’t wander.


  1. Log your Workout

By recording distances, weights, you’ll be able to see progress on paper. That record can come in handy when you’re feeling uninspired or lethargic. Seeing those weights increase or those runs get quicker is often all the motivation we need to make our fitness journey a successful one.