
Monthly or Block Payments for PT?

As well as keeping our Personal Training sessions varied, motivating and result focused, we have also created two different payment options to suit our clients’ lifestyles and preferences.

Our Personal Training sessions fall into two categories – Block Bookings and Monthly Packages.

Block Bookings are a set number of sessions for a set price. The sessions need to be used within 90 days and are subject to our standard terms and conditions.

Block Bookings will be one, six or ten sessions. This is the most common option for new clients as they learn how Personal Training fits into their schedule and hopefully discover how much working one-to-one with a trainer can enhance their life from both a physical and mental perspective.

The main advantage of a Block Booking is that it’s simple to understand as the client receives the exact number of sessions that they have paid for in advance. The greater the number of sessions in the block, the cheaper the price per session becomes.

The only disadvantage of Block Bookings is that there is a more cost effective way of training with us; Monthly Membership PT.

The Monthly PT option is a fixed monthly fee for a set number of training sessions each week (between one-three sessions per week). This structure makes the cost per session cheaper for two reasons. Firstly, we have discounted the price per session on the monthly option for frequencies higher than one session per week. Secondly, the Monthly PT is more cost effective because the payment is made by the calendar month but training is conducted by the week. Because the monthly price has been calculated on a four-week month, any month with more than exactly four weeks could result in extra sessions.

Example - If considering the Monthly PT Package of two sessions per week over the space of a year, a client would pay 12 x the monthly fee to reflect 48 weeks but there are of course 52 weeks in the year, thus resulting in four weeks or eight sessions for free in an annual period.

This is of course on the assumption that a client can train regularly throughout the year, however we have built flexibility into this option to allow clients to catch up on any missed sessions. If a client trains twice a week but misses two weeks of training (four sessions), they do not lose their sessions as they can make them up by training three times per week for four weeks in the preceding months.

Although I’ve used a year in the example above, there is no long-term commitment with the Monthly PT option. Clients can take just one month at a time and can change their frequency of training each month.

Essentially, we are offering a discounted rate for Personal Training in return for frequent use of our services. The greater the commitment to training is from our clients, the more cost effective the price is.

The Monthly PT Option has the following conditions:
•  Payment is made at the start of the month, on the same date of the month (1-5th).
•  Sessions can be caught-up, however the monthly fee should remain the same.
•  All the standard company terms and conditions apply.

Our monthly membership option is most popular with our long-term clients who value the service and how Personal Training improves their lives. Some months they will train less, other months they train more but they are committed to working with us over a longer period to help them achieve their goals.
Aside from the reduced cost of this payment option, there is also benefit to having a set payment date and amount per month (standing order ideally).

The final advantage of the Monthly PT option is the actual commitment to train regularly. With blocks, it’s easy to have breaks and lose the continuity of training, whereas committing to train regularly naturally yields the greatest results.

Now obviously each client has different goals, personalities and budgets but my personal recommendation would be to start with Block Bookings; utilising the sessions whenever they can be slotted into life. Then once you know Personal Training is for you and you want to work one-to-one with a trainer on a regularly basis, a monthly payment means greater value for money with a greater level of commitment and therefore a greater level of result!

Fundamentally, the best plan is one that works for you as an individual and helps you get the most of your time at the gym and from your Personal Training sessions.

Let’s get moving!