
Nutrition Tips

Here are five of our top nutrtion tips taken from the nutrition section of our Personal Training Protocols.

1) Think Caveman. Our bodies are designed to consume whole foods. If it didn’t once walk, swim, fly or grow then put the food back on the shelf! The closer you can eat to our ancient relatives, the better your body composition will be, we were designed to be lean.

2) Keep it simple. Single ingredient foods are best. If you can not pronounce the ingredients on the food label then don’t eat it. The product will be designed by a scientist and not by nature!

3) 90:10 Rule. Behave yourself 90% of the time and your body will be able to handle 10% of non optimal intake without compromising your body composition. If you are eating 5 times day, 10% would be three “cheat meals” per week.

4) Protein. In our experience our clients do not get enough protein in their diet. Protein has essential amino acids that are vital for growth, repair and your immune system. Try to eat a source of protein in every meal and snack of the day. Good sources of protein include meat, eggs, fish and whey.

5) Simple Sugars. Unless part of a muscle building protocol, refined carbohydrates have no place in a healthy diet. Refined carbohydrates (sugars), Trans Fat and High Fructose Corn Syrup can all be given the boot. Start checking the sugar content of the products you consume, you’ll be surprised!