About 5 years ago I completed a nutrition diploma with Cain Letham, which seriously opened my eyes.
Cain seemed to know things the rest of the industry didn’t and he wasn't afraid to stand up agasint the status-quo.
Over the years, I have seen more and more of his once outrageous statements become common practice.
Beyond learning about the nutrition facts, I began to seriously question what we are taught at school as well as what our government and our GPs advise.
I’d always presumed that government and healthcare professionals had our best interests at heart but you don’t need to be a genius to see how food & drink manufactures and pharmaceutical companies benefit from a “sleeping” nation.
It’s time to wake up!
After learning from Cain, I started to supplement with vitamins and minerals myself and encourage my clients to also.
I have cupboards full of them but over the last year or so, I have got out of the habit of taking them.
Anyway - Last week I was sent a video about vitamins. Actually, its a full blown documentary from an independent impartial reporter.
He visits experts around the world to discover how high dosages of vitamins are being used in treatments of heart conditions, depression and even cancer.
The cynic me does wonder, if vitamins and minerals could fix sick people - it wouldn’t be good for a lot of businesses.
I know its long but it’s definitely worth a watch - It might save your life.
Yours in health