Through our passion, knowledge and enthusiasm, we have been motivating clients to transform their lifestyles and body shapes for over 15 years.
An often-overlooked area of fitness training is balance training. As a corrective exercises specialist its key to a lot of my clients programs as it puts a lot of emphasis on core stability. Yet a lot of people often just associate with the training the elderly or working with clients that have h...
Time to change it up!! It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. (often accredited to Albert Einstein) To improve is to change; to be perfect is to chan...
When is the best time to foam roll? Its often been believed that you should foam roll before and after your workout, to be honest I believed that in the early days and but i'm not entirely convinced now So what are the arguments? Foam ...
Hard to believe now but not so long ago people used phones primarily to call each other. Strange, huh? Today many of us depend on our phones to take care of everyday tasks like waking up on time, keeping track of how many steps we take or calories we are consuming, sharing photos and upda...